Project Push

Dissemination Event at Il Cigno 25th june 2024
The final event of the Push project (Promoting Unity through Sport for Homeless) took place on 25 June 2024 at the shelter Madre Teresa di Calcutta.

The day saw the participation of the entire community which during the year participated and supported, in various ways, the carrying out of the project:
Department of Social Policies – Tea Vittorino,
Municipality IV – councilor Sammarco,
Elis sport-Massimiliano Morelli,
Associazione Arte e Movimento
Association La Tenda-Marco Bruci, Il Gorilla Sports Association,
Dinamo Tufello amateur association
Antigymnastics – Elisa

The day saw the participation of almost all the guests of the shelter (77 people) who had the opportunity to interface with all the institutional entities, associations and citizens who decided to spend a day in their company.

The outdoor space of the reception center was transformed into a large playground where people could try their hand at various sports: football, basketball, table tennis, volleyball, a gym area.

Dr. Carole Braccini explained the activities carried out during the year: anti-gymnastics, dance movement, gentle gymnastics, she presented the Monte Libretti Football Club team (the first team of the shelter born thanks to the Push project ), presented the Guidelines and the results achieved by the project, this phase of the presentation was very dense and followed, people were able to observe the innovativeness of the Push project: sports activities are one of the tools that make up a constellation of objectives that aim to weaken the stigma towards homeless people, introduces the concept of accessibility and usability of activities, aims at specific and personalized interventions as much as possible (so as to be able to calibrate and reprogram the objectives), tends to create a heterogeneous network that involves not exclusively the homeless but also the homeless (see soccer quadrangular with sports associations, associations dealing with addictions, amateur associations, private citizens, third sector bodies), the establishment of a European network that can exchange good practices to be used in own contexts, a sustainability that goes beyond the project (generative factor).

Dr. Braccini insisted a lot on the importance of the Guidelines, in particular when she reflected on the need to use qualified human resources to conduct sports activities, as well as the vast promotion network of the project which made it possible to make visible , in the four European realities, the results achieved. Theconversation, during his speech, with some of the protagonists of these activities made the project framework even clearer, the idea of ​​sharing objectives between promoters and users of the activities made the results obtained more dynamic so as to be able to work synergistically and not in an exclusive manner, in summary Dr. Braccini signs the Push project as a virtuous model of inclusion of homeless people, through sport, since its establishment.

The occasion was also used to relaunch a continuation of the activities by trying to systematize the various collaborations and create new ones, many people took the opportunity to express their interest in collaborating with the shelter .

One of the objectives of the Push project was to create a real community that used sport as a tool for inclusion, cultural evolution and real openness to society. We can say that among the many objectives achieved (the numbers speak for themselves) this is certainly among the most evident results
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