Project Push

Webinar by Apdes On 10/4/24

On April 10, 2024, around 4:30 pm, the APDES team started the PUSH Project Webinar. About 8 people were present at the presentation, with a work background and interest in the topic.The Webinar began with a brief presentation of the PUSH Project, taking into account its objectives and activities. Additionally an explanation and analysis of the concept of Homeless Persons, the panorama of this population in Portugal and the national integration strategies were also carried out (ENIPSSA).

In a second part of the Webinar, the APDES team presented the main results of the Good Practices Survey, referring to the existing examples of good sporting practices with homeless people and the results of surveys in its three aspects: Surveys of organizations that work with homeless people, the homeless population and sports organizations involved in the activities promoted.

On the other hand, ideas for testing the PUSH Project guidelines in the city of Porto were also presented. In short, the APDES team will dynamize in the last week of April and the first week of May, non-formal education activities, team-building games and sports activities (aerobic and non-aerobic ) with the target population that are hosted by APDES projects.. The activities will also include a pre-evaluation of health, interaction between participants, provision of food, clothing and hygiene facilities for participants.

Finally, the expected results of the Project PUSH and the activities carried out within its scope were explained, ultimately aiming to facilitate the social inclusion of homeless people. To conclude, a moment of discussion was opened with the Webinar participants, so that they could ask questions and/or make comments, however, no one wanted to participate in this part of the Webinar.

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